D.F.M. DiveRs

1999 March Trip


Wheeler Reef, Davies Reef,
Little Broadhurst Reef, and Yongala

Divers The boat "Running Free II"
  • Tammy Jeffery
  • Jason Jones
  • Ben Lee (AOW)
  • Orlanda Endicott
  • Brett Endicott
  • Philip Blake
  • Melissa Byass (AOW)
  • Jakob Krogh
  • Stephanie Bunclark (AOW)
  • Lex Lambeck
  • Brett Lezamiz (AOW)
  • Rieman Claytor (AOW)
  • Joy Lawrence (AOW)
  • Robert Nelson
  • Nicole Wheatley
  • Lars Gamfeldt

The boat and boat crew were organized through ProDive Townsville. Check out the boat's dive deck and down stairs quarters.

Dive crew
  • Geoff Sutcliffe (Instructor)
  • Damien Sweeney (Deckie)
Boat crew
  • Luis Sanches (Skipper)

The crew ... Luis, Geoff, Damien
Rob's best anenome photo (he took several!) at Wheeler Reef.
Coral at Wheeler Reef.
A puffer fish at Wheeler Reef.
Joy, Nicole, Brett, Ben, and Jason enjoying the sun on the foredeck after a dive. Skipper Luis looking round the corner.
The roof was a good place to hide between dives. Rieman, Lars, Rob, Phil.
Melissa looking up the ladder to the top deck.
The fastest way to get Rieman into her wetsuit.
More coral at Wheeler Reef.
Rob's personal collection of sea slugs at Wheeler Reef.
Looking from the helm, through the eating area, to the dive deck. Lars putting on his weight belt, Nicole facing away, and Rieman sitting.
Damien in his rightful place, scrubbing potatoes for dinner.
Tammy (not puking) and Jason at Davies Coral Gardens.
Staghorn corals at Davies Coral Gardens.
Divers suiting up for a night dive: The back of Melissa's head, Brett, unknown body bending over, Lex and Nicole ready to go, Rieman in Stephanie's wetsuit, and Jason.
Inspiration needed for working out dive tables after a night dive.
This is what nitrogen did to Melissa.
Arriving at Broadhurst Reef
The boys being cool ... Lex, Brett, Jason, and Lars on the roof (looking for more Swedish things).
Joy, Lex, and Melissa in the foreground, waiting for the sun to set.
Rieman peering over the Yongala.
Everyone on the foredeck between dives at the Yongala. From left to right leaning against the windows: Joy, Brett, Lex, Melissa, Brett, Jason. Lying on the deck: Lars, Rieman, Phil, Nicole, Jakob. Geoff standing with the dive roster.
Running Free II, from the water at Yongala.
Nicole, Lex and Joy on the starboard rail.
On the way home, with Cape Cleveland in the background. Melissa, Joy, Rieman, Rob kneeling, Jason, and Lex.
Rob, Rieman, Phil, and Ben. On the way into Cleveland Bay, with the lighthouse in the background.

What the divers said ...

Phil Blake
many thanks again for an excellent trip ; the diving was spectacular, the people just as great
Lex Lambeck
Yeah, great trip Geoff