Townsville Diving Accident Management Plan

  1. If a diver is missing then:
  2. While the search is progressing, prepare to deal with a patient:
  3. When the diver is found or the search is called off, recall all divers
  4. When a patient has been found, follow the DRABCIS plan:
  5. Collect patient data.
  6. Establish exact current location.
  7. Call DES (the Diving Emergency Service).
  8. If the patient needs to be evacuated from a boat, there are three options. The correct choice is dependent on the condition of the patient and the time it would take. Take the advice of DES. If the patient needs to be evacuated from shore, there are two options. The correct choice is dependent on the condition of the patient and the time it would take. Take the advice of DES.
  9. Prepare for evacuation.
  10. Maintain A B C I S
  11. Secure patient's diving gear. Do not disassemble.
  12. Document events, noting times and details.
  13. Useful follow-up phone numbers